Gail Wronsky is the author, coauthor, or translator of sixteen books, including the poetry collections Under the Capsized Boat We Fly: New & Selected Poems (White Pine Press) and Dying for Beauty (Copper Canyon), a finalist for the Western Arts Federation Poetry Prize. She is the translator of Alicia Partnoy’s Fuegos Florales/Flowering Fires, winner of the American Poetry Prize from Settlement House Press. Her poems have appeared in many journals, including Poetry, Boston Review, Antioch Review, Denver Quarterly, Poetry International, Guesthouse, and Volt. She is the recipient of an Artist Fellowship from the California Arts Council. The Moose in the Moon, her book of poetry for children, was published by Tsehai Publishers in Los Angeles and Addis Ababa. She teaches creative writing and women’s literature at Loyola Marymount University where she was awarded the Harry M. Daum Professorship.