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Indigenous peoples of Kalinga and other Cordilleran descent in the Philippines sing and dance to a folksong called “salidummay,” which has no direct translation into English but which speaks to the idea, “this is life.” The samples used in this track are from recordings of mountain workers singing and dancing on the way home.

Ina Cariño, 2021

Ina Cariño is a poet, musician, and artist with an MFA in creative writing from North Carolina State University. Their poetry appears or is forthcoming in "Poetry Magazine," "Waxwing," "New England Review," "Tupelo Quarterly," and elsewhere. 

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More from Issue 3: Summer 2021

Eye of the Beholder

The Memory Demos

by Alistair McCartney


“Club,” “Oizys, Goddess of Anxiety,” “Lines En Route to Pennsylvania”

by Maggie Millner